Meet Jenny Leigh

I currently reside in NW Arkansas with my best friend and husband, Micah Stewart, and our four vibrant children with tons of personality. (Fun Fact: Our children names, in order, start with the first four vowels: A, E, I, and O, which wasn’t intentional until we got to “I” and “O”.)

I enjoy planting flowers, drinking coffee, reading historical fiction, lunch dates, and fun family adventures. I’ve been in an Army Reserve Band since I was 18 years old where I play the flute and piccolo.

Despite being shy, and never really being sure if I am introverted or extroverted, I greatly enjoy getting to know people and making new connections. I love to hear your story and see how it connects with mine!

My prayer for you as you explore Not Alone Ministries is that you come to know the Resurrection Hope that we have in Jesus. With Him, we are Not Alone!

                                                   Living Not Alone, Jenny Leigh